Maximizing Medium Presence: Get 100 Followers and Join Medium Partnership Program

“Grow Your Audience and Unlock Extra Benefits with Medium’s Partnership Program”

Eosty 🔹
3 min readJan 16, 2023

As a writer, Medium can be a great platform to share your work and build an audience. But with so many writers on the platform, it can take a lot of work to stand out and grow your following. In this post, we’ll go over some tips for getting 100 followers and joining the Medium Partnership Program, which can help you earn money from your writing and reach a wider audience.

Building a Strong Profile

Building a Strong Profile
Photo credit: Freepik
  • Start by creating a strong profile, including a bio that clearly states who you are and what you write about. Make sure to include a photo of yourself and links to your other social media profiles.
  • Use keywords in your bio and your profile’s “Story” section to make it easier for people to find you when searching for content on Medium.
  • Be consistent with your posting schedule. This will help your followers know when to expect new content from you and will make it easier for you to build a following.

Creating High-Quality Content

  • Write on topics you’re passionate about and have knowledge or experience in. This will make your writing more authentic and interesting to readers.
  • Use a catchy headline and a clear and concise introduction to draw readers in.
  • Use images, videos, and other media to make your post more engaging.
  • Be sure to proofread and edit your work before publishing.

Promoting Your Posts

  • Share your posts on social media and other platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • Engage with other writers on Medium by commenting on their posts, following them, and sharing their work.
  • Participate in Medium’s writing communities to connect with other writers and readers.

Joining the Medium Partnership Program

  • To join the Medium Partnership Program, you must have at least 50 followers and have published at least 10 stories on Medium.
  • Once you’ve reached these requirements, you can apply to the program through your Medium account settings.
  • Once you’re accepted into the program, you’ll be able to earn money from your writing on Medium through the Medium Partner Program, which allows writers to earn money from the views on their stories.


By building a strong profile, creating high-quality content, promoting your posts, and joining the Medium Partnership Program, you can grow your following and earn money from your writing on Medium. Remember to be consistent and engage with other writers on the platform. With dedication and hard work, you’ll be on your way to 100 followers and Medium Partnership Program in no time.

What is Medium?

Medium is a blogging and publishing platform that allows users to share their writing and engage with a community of readers and writers.

How can I get more followers on Medium?

To get more followers on Medium, you can create high-quality content, promote your posts on social media, engage with other writers on the platform, and participate in Medium’s writing communities.

What is the Medium Partnership Program?

The Medium Partnership Program is a program that allows writers to earn money from their writing on Medium through the Medium Partner Program, which pays writers based on the views of their stories.

How do I join the Medium Partnership Program?

To join the Medium Partnership Program, you must have at least 50 followers and have published at least 10 stories on Medium. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply to the program through your Medium account settings.

What are the benefits of being in the Medium Partnership Program?

The main benefit of being in the Medium Partnership Program is the ability to earn money from your writing on Medium through the Medium Partner Program. Additionally, it can help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility on the platform.

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About Abhijit,

I’m a content Creator, freelancer. Visit My Blog: Eosty



Eosty 🔹

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